From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Other quality enhancements

Other quality enhancements - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

Other quality enhancements

- [Instructor] There are many other options to add quality to the look inside of Unity, and we'll explore a few worth your time to enhance the scene. So again, after we discuss the other elements, or if you choose right now, always work with your lights, their materials, change the post-processing settings, do a bake, and repeat, and eventually, you'll find the best combination of settings for you. So let's take a look at what these options are. So let's go into edit, project settings, and let me just bring that down so you guys can see all these settings, like so. Or you can bring that tab to one of your windows as you see fit. It's up to you. So there are two sections, two main sections that actually, three sections overall. So if you click on the first one, graphics, this is where you can impact your graphics. So right now, you have the HD render pipeline asset that's already here. But if you click here, you…
