From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Material and texture properties

Material and texture properties - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

Material and texture properties

- [Instructor] Let's add textures to our new material while we explore all the settings we can work with. As a quick note, if you're exploring with your own model and textures and you have any texture maps from a 3D program like Substance Painter, feel free to pause the lesson now and import them into the texture folder and add them to the proper maps here in the material you'll create. For everybody else, let's take a look at what we have. So if you're following along, you should have your material open here. And what I did, I clicked on the folder steel_glossy as an example, and I basically shrunk the list here to this size here so I can see all the different maps. So these are all the texture maps that were exported from a program like Substance Painter. So we'll add the first one here, the base color. So as we add the texture maps to our material, let's spend more time to understand what each does to an object. Let's…
