From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Lightmap results and settings

Lightmap results and settings - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

Lightmap results and settings

- [Instructor] Light map settings allows us to control the quality of the light map Unity bakes into our scene. So let's go ahead and explore the settings for that. So we're just at the end of baking, and we're just about to set our first bake if you haven't done so already. So if you don't have the lighting tab here, you can get it by clicking on Window, Rendering, and then Lighting. And once you have that open, you have the settings for real-time lighting where you can actually turn on global illumination for real-time. So, this is if you have a really souped up computer. And this is the baked lighting. The mixed lighting. So this is what we're going to play with right now. So the first thing you need to do is do a lighting settings asset. So you can create a new one or select from the ones that you have. If you don't have any in the assets or in the scene, you can actually just create a new one. And this is what…
