From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Introduction to the Timeline Editor

Introduction to the Timeline Editor - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

Introduction to the Timeline Editor

- [Instructor] Before we continue with the timeline, I created a night bake that I'm good with considering the computer I'm currently using for this course. And this is the important point. Like I mentioned before, the settings you're using in the lighting tab I have open here will determine the quality of your bake, but the processor or GPU you're using will determine the time it will take to render your bake. So if you crank up the settings and see a 36 hours bake, then maybe you should bring them down just by two cents. And as you can see on the scene here, this is for me a good quality of a night scene. So you can see the highlights, you can see the reflection on the little pots here. The light is shining on the leaves here. And there's a nice nuance in between where the light falls on the table. You can see a little bit of the grain and where there's no light. And there's some more shadows here. So this to me is…
