From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Introduction to audio in Unity

Introduction to audio in Unity - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

Introduction to audio in Unity

- [Instructor] Like the type of objects Unity support, there are several audio formats Unity supports and can be used in your project. In most instances, you'll use MP3s, Wave, or Ogg file extensions. But this is a thorough list of all the file extensions you can use in a Unity project. Now let's get back to our project. As I mentioned before in the course you can add multiple components on every game object. And guess what? Audio is also a component, and you can add it to any game object. So let's set up what we need to add audio to the kettle and other elements of our project. So let's go ahead, the first thing I'm going to do is add an audio folder inside of our assets. So let's go ahead and click on assets, right click, create folder, and I'm going to add audio. Now what we need to do is grab two files from the resources which are audio files, and put them inside of our audio folder. So I'm going to put this to the…
