From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Instal Unity

Instal Unity

- [Instructor] Now let's take a look at how to get started with installing Unity. The first thing you need to do is go to and if you want, you can click on Get Started today and then click on download 2022 LTS. Or the faster way is to go to find Unity Hub. 'cause the way to install Unity, you need to have the hub installed first and then install the editor. So this is typically the way I do it. So I go and find the Hub first. And what you need to do depending on which operating system you have you can download for Windows here or you can scroll down and find the operating system that you're on. So, Mac or if you want to install it on Linux you have the instructions here. In our case, we are on the Mac so we're going to download this particular version here. And what I do, then I open the Unity Hub install, agree, now you need to drag and drop the Unity Hub into applications. Once the Unity Hub is…
