From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Implementing the script

Implementing the script

- [Instructor] Now let's go ahead and implement and finish our little exercise here with the kettle and the audio script. So we've already applied the audio script directly to the kettle. If you're not sure or if you want to validate that all this is good, make sure that you select the kettle. So what I'm going to do is double click on the kettle, so we're closer. Double click on the kettle in the R key or click on it in your scene. And then scroll down inside of the inspector here. And you should see an audio script that's been applied to it. If that's not the case, just drag and drop into the actual kettle and you should see it here. The first thing you need to do, again, just repeating, if you want the audio script to play when you enter inside of a specific trigger, you need to remove the check here. If you want just to test it, or if you want to make sure the sound plays when the game start as opposed to when we…
