From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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File management and project organization

File management and project organization - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

File management and project organization

- [Instructor] Now that we have our project set up let's take a look at the file structure and what is included inside of a Unity project. The other thing that I want to mention before we get to the file is if you go back to Unity here on the Unity Hub, and you create a new project if you want to have more items and three D meshes and you want to see a little bit more of what the H D R P scene can include there is a template in here that you can use which is the three D sample scene, H D R P. This scene includes a lot more stuff, like it has players, it has meshes, it has full scene with lights. If you want to see that you can download the template and create a project with it instead of the one that we just did, it's up to you. Basically what we're going to do now is create the project from scratch with an H D R P base without the template. So we don't have to remove all these things afterwards. But you can use that if you want…
