From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

Exercise files

- [Instructor] If your intention is to use the exercise files, I strongly suggest you follow the instructions of this video, as we've created specific start folders for each chapter. So this is how it works. So let's say you have an empty scene like the ones we have here. So this is the very beginning of the project and you want to add a specific chapter and follow along or you're struggling with your own project and you want to reset where we are in the course, then you can do this. So let's minimize Unity for a second and let's go into the folder of your specific project that you just started. So reveal in finder, like so. So this is the project folder where you have all the assets. What you need to do is go into the exercise files at the start of the chapter you are, 'cause these are start state. So basically where we are here is at the start of chapter two. So what you would need to do is very simple. Copy the assets here like so, and paste them into where your project resides inside of your computer. So I would do a paste, like so. And then apply to all and replace. And once you're done doing that you open the project in the editor and it's going to repackage and reinstall all the packages and basically update your project as is with all the assets and you should be good to go. So finally, if you need any of the resources we're using in the course, you should find them in the resources folder. So if we go back to the exercise files you have the resources right here, But I'll mention when and which ones we'll use at the appropriate times. Then with all these items done, all you have to do is install the Unity package from the appropriate chapter. And voila, you're good to go. Remember to download all zip files from LinkedIn Learning to get access to all the files in this course.
