From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Directional lighting

Directional lighting

- [Instructor] Lighting is one of the most pleasing aspect of working in Unity or any 3D program as it really starts to bring our scene together. So let's explore together what lighting options we have while populating our scene. So let's start with a directional light as we have in our scene with the sun here. If you don't see the sun and you're inside of the scene, double click on the sun and you'll be right here. And you can go up here and you'll see that the sun is right here. A directional light is perfect for something like the sun because it is infinite. Therefore, you can place it anywhere in the scene and it will have the same effect. However, if you change its direction or rotation it will have an impact. So just an example, if I do this, if I move the sun, it won't have any impact on our scene. So, if I bring it where it was by doing undo it doesn't have an impact on our scene. But if you change the rotation…
