From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Creating Prefabs

Creating Prefabs

- [Instructor] Okay, so let's go ahead and create our first prefab. Well, in fact, we already did create our first prefab, because when we drop the model into our scene, this is a prefab, and you can see it through the blue areas here. So let's go ahead and create a prefabs folder, because I tend to want to drop all my prefabs into a specific folder so I can be organized. So let's go ahead and click on the assets in the project folder, right click, create folder, and then call this folder prefabs. So the way to create a prefab is very simple. You grab the object in the scene or in the hierarchy that you want to create a prefab from, and you drop it inside your assets, in this case, in our prefabs folder. So we're going to select our prefabs folder. We want to make sure you're inside of there, and then what I want to select is the book here, this book right here. So if you don't have this open, it's basically inside of…
