From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Creating and organizing new materials

Creating and organizing new materials - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

Creating and organizing new materials

- [Instructor] If you haven't been following along, you wouldn't have a materials folder. So if that's the case, go ahead and create a materials folder. This is very important to be organized in Unity because at one point you're going to have multiple scenes leveraging assets across all these folders here. So you want to get organized very quickly, especially if you're in gaming or in architecture with multiple scenes. So now that we have a materials folder, let's go ahead and create a new material. And you do this by right clicking in the materials folder. So I'm going to right click right here, select create, and then material. And I'm going to name this one "Test Material" 'cause I'm not going to create any more materials after. I'm going to leverage all the materials that I have in here. So "Test Material," and I have this guy here, and I have all these elements for my test material. So this is what it looks like…
