From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Create a movie

Create a movie

- [Instructor] Now let me show you how you would go about exporting a movie out as if we were sending this to a client. So the first thing we need to do is install Recorder. And this you can find inside of the Package Manager. What you want to do is make sure that you are using Unity Registry, and then find Recorder. And make sure you install it. So once you have Recorder installed you can go to Window, General, Recorder, Recorder Window. And we're going to drop it inside of our bottom part here. I'm going to make it slightly bigger. Okay, so now what you need to do once you have Recorder inside of your window here you need to click on Add Recorder. And in this case we're going to select Movie, but you can make an Animation Clip, Image Sequence, and Audio file. This is deprecated, so I wouldn't use it. So let's go ahead and use Movie. So once you have this, there's several options. So the first thing that I would do…
