From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Block the floor with ProBuilder

Block the floor with ProBuilder - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

Block the floor with ProBuilder

- [Instructor] So let's go ahead and explore some of the other tools that we have access to with Pro Builder. So this is not a 3D course. So I'm not going to show you how to UV your 3D object or add specific materials to this object beyond the materials that we already have access to, or the process of creating 3D objects. But if you want to learn more about Pro Builder, go ahead and take a look at the documentation in our course specific to Pro Builder. Because this is basically as if we were doing 3D inside of Unity, and it's a lot more complex than just doing a few objects like we've done in the previous videos. So if you want to learn how to build a 3D object, complex objects with Pro Builder, then take a look at a specific course to this tool. But I'm going to show you still what are those tools very, very quickly. So for example, if you had a complex object, let's say there were million or vertices here, and you…
