From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Animation Controllers

Animation Controllers

- [Instructor] Animation controllers allow you to add multiple animations for a specific game object and use them based on the state of that game object. So let's say, for example, you want to have a character that would be walking then that would be an animation and then you can have multiple walking animations that would be inside of that controller. So whenever you create an animation, a controller is automatically created for you. So basically you have a controller right now for that chair animation. So let's take a look at that. So let's go into our project, go into our animations and you see our controller right here. So this is the animation and this is the controller. So if you double click on the controller, you're going to see this menu. So FYI, to move in this menu, you can use the middle mouse key. And this is why I suggest to always have a three buttons mouse, because now I can use the zoom in, zoom out…
