From the course: Unity 2023 Essential Training

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Animating with Timeline

Animating with Timeline

- [Instructor] Now let's start animating some items into your timeline. So now the first thing I want to do is drop the music that we just imported. So the quick way to do this is to grab your project. You can put it up here, up here if you want and drag and drop that music inside of our timeline. And then bring back your project where it was before. That's the fastest way. Now let's go back to our timeline and we have this music here. (lively music) Awesome. That song is quite long, about 130 seconds. So feel free to play with any objects in the scene, animate them as you see fit after. What we're going to do is just animate the ball. So if we go back into our scene, we have a ball right here. And what I'm going to do with this ball is just put it up front. So when we animate our camera in the next video, the camera's going to go through our scene here. And as we go through our scene, the ball is going to roll in front…
