From the course: Understanding Your Compensation and Benefits

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Negotiate your job offer effectively

Negotiate your job offer effectively

- You've been through the interviews and an offer has been extended. Now it's time to negotiate. Throughout your negotiations, keep in mind what specific areas are most important to your career. Your career satisfaction is impacted by your ability to negotiate the right job offer and compensation package. Let me give you some guidelines that will help you negotiate effectively so you get the offer you deserve and the job that will take your career where you want it to go. And remember, there will be give and take in the process so you must be willing to make some concessions. Let's start with the basics. Being likable greatly impacts negotiating. Hiring managers are more likely to fight for you if they like you. Ask for what you want without coming across as greedy or unreasonable. Be persistent without seeming aggressive. Make sure the hiring manager understands why you're worth the increased salary. Don't…
