From the course: Understanding Information Architecture

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Where to find information architects

Where to find information architects

- You'll find that many experienced information architects don't have an academic qualification that's related to their work. That's mainly because until quite recently, there haven't been that many graduate degree programs to choose from. Lots of people started learning how to do information architecture when they were already at a related job. Even now, there aren't a lot of undergraduate programs that have a large information architecture component. It's mostly graduate degree programs that specialize in the field with titles like Masters in Interaction Design, and Information Architecture, Information Science, Knowledge Management, or similar, the Information Architecture Institute maintains a list of relevant courses from around the world on their site. Obviously, you can try to recruit students directly out of these programs, but it's worth emphasizing that the lack of a relevant degree doesn't disqualify someone from being a great information architect. If you're looking to…
