From the course: Turning Data into Strategies

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Explore types of charts

Explore types of charts

The charts; they are the best tool for telling your data story. The problem is that there are so many types of charts that it is difficult to choose the right one. From bar graphs to scatter plots. They all reveal different aspects of your data. Choosing the right chart can help to effectively communicate the data and make the story clearer. In this lesson, I'll share with you what chart types you can use to present different types of data so you can excel at data visualization and avoid making errors. First, bar charts. Bar charts are a great choice if your goal is to make comparisons between different categories. With its simplicity and clarity, a carefully edited bar chart allows your audience to see ranks or differences in values across multiple categories. If your goal is to show ranking, make sure to sort the chart descendingly or ascendingly, and display it vertically. If you want to emphasize on differences across categories, you could choose to display the graph either…
