From the course: Turning Data into Strategies

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Explore types of business audiences

Explore types of business audiences

From the course: Turning Data into Strategies

Explore types of business audiences

Here's a piece of advice I frequently give. Craft different data stories for each audience you present to. Even if you only have one insight, tailor the story around it to each audience's specific needs. The typical reaction I get is, "But this takes time." That's true, but it's time well spent. In this lesson, I walk through how you can better understand and address the unique needs of various internal and external audience groups. Let's start with internal audiences. First, your peers. Presenting data to your peers should be relatively easy. You can dive into technical details and use the same terminology because they'll likely be able to follow along. Your peers are likely to appreciate details and the complexity of your data story. Second, your manager. For this group, you'll have to strike a balance between technical details and data-driven insights. While communicating your findings to managers, focus on the practical aspects and summarize the key points. Make sure the…
