From the course: The Unspoken Rules of High Performers and High Potentials

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Understand your boss’s priorities

Understand your boss’s priorities

So lay it on us some more unspoken rules and best practices for following them well. A big one is to understand what matters to those who matter. So put yourself in the shoes of the higher-ups in your team, in your department, in your organization, and ask yourself what goals are they trying to reach and what pains are they trying to alleviate? What's causing them stress? What's wasting them time? And look left, look right, find a swim lane. So find something that hasn't been done before and occupy that swim lane. Because the more you understand what matters to those who matter, the more you'll do work that matters. And the more that you do work that matters, the more you will matter. And I have a story here, if I may, of someone who unexpectedly did this. And this is actually an individual who was hired into a staffing company as an administrative assistant. So the staffing company has a business model where they would place nurses into hospital jobs. And this individual was hired on…
