From the course: The Unspoken Rules of High Performers and High Potentials

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Leaders expect commitment

Leaders expect commitment

Let's dig into committed, how you show it. And first I just want to talk about commitment. And I've just recently been reading a number of articles about quiet quitting, as it's called. And I guess there's multiple interpretations or definitions of this. It's sort of like you haven't quit, but you're sort of coasting and you're going to do the bare minimum and you've sort of quit in your heart, if you will. And so that's creating a buzz and some conversations. But I'd love it if we could address the mindset or the attitude in terms of, "Well, okay. Yeah. An ownership mindset would be great, but I'm not an owner. And that even seems potentially unfair for me to go above and beyond when the rewards are not in play." I just want to let you respond to that kind of attitude or mindset. Well, this is a good example of where leaders and employees are really talking past each other. And actually, if I may return to the three Cs framework, because the way that we often at least when I approach…
