From the course: The Unspoken Rules of High Performers and High Potentials

Demonstrate the three Cs

This is an audio course. Thank you for listening. You have written the book, The Unspoken Rules: Secrets to Starting Your Career Off Right. And so I'm excited to get into some of those rules, which I imagine will not be applicable only to people fresh in their careers, but these rules probably apply, is it fair to say to most professionals? Definitely. I've realized since engaging with companies, large and small, and becoming a consultant speaker at companies like GE, IBM, etc., is that what is a must for some is good for all. All right. Perfect. Well, lay it on us. To start, is there a particularly surprising, fascinating, counter-intuitive discovery you made while doing all these interviews to put together this book? The biggest takeaway for me is actually a framework that I call the three Cs, which stand for competence, commitment, and compatibility. And the idea is the minute you show up, whether it's at a coffee chat, a client meeting, a one-on-one with your manager, etc., the people around you are sizing you up and they're asking themselves three questions. Question 1 is, can you do this job well, which is the question of are you competent? Question 2 is, are you excited to be here and to grow with us? And that's the question of are you committed? And the third question, the final one is, do we get along, which is the question of are we compatible? So are you competent, are you committed, and are you compatible? The three Cs. Your job and frankly, all of our jobs, and this includes the CEO, it's to convince the people around us to answer yes to all three questions all the time. Demonstrate these three Cs and you'll build trust. You'll unlock opportunity, and you'll get closer to reaching your career goals.
