From the course: The Unspoken Rules of High Performers and High Potentials

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Confirm what really matters

Confirm what really matters

Yeah. I like that notion of the three choices. And I actually got this question just yesterday I was speaking and someone said, "What do you do if you feel like you can't bring your full self to work because there's a homogeneous culture?" And it really made me think about, well, how are you defining what constitutes bringing your full self to work? And I think you laid that out nicely in terms of, do you care about the pedal bar or do you not? And so you might have a strong view, you might not. And you've got your three options associated with reject the rules, conform to the rules, bend the rules. And I think maybe a pre-step, if you will, the prequel to that three-part choice is just confirming that's really a rule, because I think, for example, if it's like we all happen to wear -- I'm wearing jeans and a polo right now as we're chatting, and so if I was at a workplace where there were four other people wearing jeans and polos and then a new person shows up, they might get the…
