From the course: The Unspoken Rules of High Performers and High Potentials

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Choose the rules to bend

Choose the rules to bend

And so how about compatibility? How do we demonstrate that? This is the toughest one because bias and discrimination are real. And so whether we're talking about age, gender, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, vocal pitch, introversion, extraversion, access to transportation if you're going to a social event after work, Internet connectivity, accent. So it's not a level playing field when it comes to the C of compatibility, where some of us, just by who we are in the backgrounds we come from, might show up in an organization and be able to speak like and have the same conversations as those of our coworkers versus someone else who might feel like an outsider, and who has to work a lot harder to demonstrate that compatibility. Let me give you an example of just how tricky and sometimes uncomfortable this C of compatibility can be with a story that I included in the book of this individual who joined a team that had this ritual of going on pedal bar outings. So this individual found…
