From the course: The Unspoken Rules of High Performers and High Potentials

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Align before every assignment

Align before every assignment

Now, share with us. How do we demonstrate that we're committed? Well, I spoke to the importance, for example, of being responsive. And here we rub up against also an area where folks may talk past each other, which is some organizations have this always-on culture, or this hidden expectation that if someone higher up emails you, no matter what time of day it is, that you'd be jumping at that email and responding right away. And if you speak to leaders, they'll say, "Well, yeah, of course. If I ask for something, I expect you to be there." And then if you talk to employees, they'll say, "Well, I'm not getting paid at this hour. And just because you want to empty your inbox at 11 p.m. doesn't mean that I want to be up at 11 p.m. answering your emails." So here, there is the self-help piece and there's also the all of us needing to help piece. So I interviewed, for example, a superintendent at a school district who had this habit of emptying her inbox on Saturday evenings. And from her…
