From the course: The New Rules of Work

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Rule #6: Build and tend your network

Rule #6: Build and tend your network

From the course: The New Rules of Work

Rule #6: Build and tend your network

- In a more aesthetic world, you probably didn't need much of a network of contacts. If you only change jobs every decade or so, you didn't need to go through many other people to find that work, but that's an old rule. The new rules of work mean you'll increasingly need a network of connections to do your work and to find new work. So rule number six of the new rules of work is your network is your greatest asset that's not you. One of the most influential research papers on networks comes from a sociologist by the name of Mark Granovetter, who wrote a paper called The Strength of Weak Ties. His thesis was that some of the greatest value from our connections with other people is at the edge of our networks, not at the core. The people we know well, those who are at the center of our network are likely to hear about the same opportunities that we are and the more likely are potential competitors than they are our allies,…
