From the course: The New Rules of Work

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Rule #5: Have a portfolio of work

Rule #5: Have a portfolio of work

From the course: The New Rules of Work

Rule #5: Have a portfolio of work

- In a world of rapid change, we need a new model that helps each of us to continually grow and develop and to continually find new sources of opportunities for compensated work, what we used to call a job. Without our necessarily realizing it, our actual relationship with work is changing. When our relationship to work is binary, we either have a job or we don't, we usually have predictable activities and earnings. But when rapidly changing times means we have a fuzzier relationship with work, perhaps requiring multiple sources of income from a variety of activities. I call this a portfolio of work, which is Rule #5 of the New Rules of Work. In the same way that an investor often has a distributed portfolio, some safe investments, some riskier investments, an important strategy for dealing with the uncertainty in the world of work is to have more than one activity at any one time. And the most entrepreneurial of…
