From the course: The New Rules of Work

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Prepare for the rules to change

Prepare for the rules to change

From the course: The New Rules of Work

Prepare for the rules to change

- So it turns out the phrase, "The new rules of work", has been around for decades. Each wave of disruptive change has resulted in a new set of rules. We've needed to adapt to dramatic changes in the way that work works for a long time. What's different now is that the pace of change is accelerating. And since the change is coming from the combination of automation and globalization, it's happening in parallel simultaneously all around the world. What that means is that the new rules are bound to change. So part of your ongoing task is to figure out how they're changing and what you need to do to incorporate them into the strategies for your work, your learning, and your life. For example, it's likely that an increasing amount of work is going to be coordinated through online platforms. What are often called two-sided markets. That bring together workers and customers. Today, a lot of the work is about driving cars.…
