From the course: The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape

Stay up to date on cybersecurity

From the course: The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape

Stay up to date on cybersecurity

- [Instructor] In this course I've described some of the most common cybersecurity threats you're likely to encounter. To best protect against them, your next step after watching these videos would be to figure out which of these threats apply to your organization. Then find out if the security controls for those threats are in place and apply any that are missing. By following the recommendations in these videos, you'll definitely reduce your exposure to these threats. But the challenge is cyber security threats keep evolving to overcome even the best defenses. Just because you're secure today doesn't mean new threats won't be a problem tomorrow. So how do you keep up? Let's look at three actions you can take to keep ahead of cybersecurity threats. First, stay up to date with changes in the cybersecurity threat landscape. I recommend subscribing to security newsletters like SANS NewBites and Bruce Schneier's Crypto-gram. There are a lot of weekly security podcasts that cover current cybersecurity threats like Security Weekly News and Defense in Depth. There are also plenty of cybersecurity magazines with articles about the latest threats like Infosecurity Magazine and Cyber Defense Magazine. Next, to get a more in-depth look at cybersecurity threats, attend security conferences and seminars. Presentation topics will often explore current threats in detail. Conferences and seminars are also good ways to connect with security professionals who have firsthand knowledge of the latest cybersecurity threats and how they've dealt with them. Finally, hire security professionals who specialize in cybersecurity threat simulation and management. These include companies and consultants who conduct penetration tests, threat modeling, and DDoS simulations. I hope you use the knowledge you gain from this course to protect you and your organization from current and future cybersecurity threats.
