From the course: Teaching Civility in the Workplace

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Microaggressions in action

Microaggressions in action

- Let's take a look at a realistic example of what microaggressions could look like. in a business meeting. - Thanks everyone for meeting, so we can brainstorm some marketing ideas. Susan, do you mind taking notes? (exhales) So, one thing we haven't really tapped into is social media. We really need to get more going there. I'm not sure if that means we hire someone, or if someone in this room could do it, but we got to be more active. - Hey, maybe we all agree to each write one blog a week, and then share it across channels? - We could also do short, explainer videos. Videos are hot right now. - Frank, I like the idea, but Susan, who's got time to make videos? - I'll take that on. I like videos. - Okay, good idea on the videos, Frank. You take that on, and Susan, maybe you can brainstorm some ideas and email them to Frank to help him get started. So we'll each write a blog a week and Frank will make…
