From the course: Tableau Essential Training

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Reorder fields in a visualization

Reorder fields in a visualization - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau Essential Training

Reorder fields in a visualization

- [Instructor] After you create a visualization in Tableau, you can change the organization of your data by manipulating fields. In this movie, I will show you how to reorder and reorganize fields within your visualization. My sample file is 02_05_Reorder, and you can find it in the Chapter 2 folder of the Exercise Files collection. I have started with a blank visualization and I'll begin creating by dragging fields to the Columns and Rows shelves. So I'll start by dragging Product Category to the Rows shelf and I know it's in position when a small box with a plus sign appears to the right of my mouse pointer. So there, that's been added, I have my three categories, and then I will add a Customer Type to the Columns shelf. So I'll drag Customer Type to Columns, it's in position, and there, I have my data laid out, and I'll go ahead and drag up Order Total to the Data area. So now I can see how much each Customer Type spent…
