From the course: Tableau Essential Training

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Identify data clusters

Identify data clusters

- [Instructor] When you visualize your data using a scatter plot, you will often find that some of the values form obvious groups. In machine learning and data analysis terms, those groups are called clusters. In this movie, I will show you how to identify clusters and change how they're calculated. My sample file is 0805 cluster, and you can find it in the chapter eight folder of the exercise files collection. This type of cluster analysis is based on a scatter plot, and although I've shown you elsewhere in the course how to create one, I'll do it again now as a review. I'll start by dragging income and sales total to the columns and row shelves. So I'll drag income to the columns shelf and then sales total to the row shelf. Doing so creates a single point that has the sum of all income and sum of all sales totals, and that appears here in the top right. What I want actually are the individual values shown in pairs, so I…
