From the course: Tableau Essential Training

Display the data underlying a workbook - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau Essential Training

Display the data underlying a workbook

- [Instructor] You can use Tableau to build effective creative visualizations. But what if you wanted to look at the data that underlies a vis that you've created? You can do that inside the program through a process. I'll demonstrate using the 03_01 data sample file. That's a workbook you can find in the chapter three folder of the exercise files collection. In this workbook, I have a single worksheet, and you see that it's a tree map that breaks down sales by region. If I want to look at the data behind this, then I can go to the data menu, point to my data source which in this case is sheet one H plus data, and then click view data. And when I do the view data dialogue box appears and I'll drag it a little bit to the side and then resize it by dragging the bottom right corner, so we can see more of the fields. So this is a preview of the data and you can see that there are 5,130 rows and 18 fields so 18 different bits of information. All this information came from a single table, so that means that I have sheet one, which is the data source at the top of each of the columns. If this were a combined file that I had joined based on common fields, then I might see, for example customer ID appear more than one time but it would have the data source above it. So they would be treated inside of Tableau as distinct elements. You can move around in the data you can scroll down and you can also scroll side to side. And one other thing that I'll point out is that you can also download the data that appears here. To do that, click the download button and then you'll get a standard save as file to download the data as a com separated value file. You've seen save as dialogue boxes before, so I won't show you what it looks like here. It's a process you've done many times using other programs. When you're done looking at the data, you can click the close button to get rid of the view data dialogue box and continue working in the visualization.
