From the course: Tableau Essential Training

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Display a viz in a tooltip

Display a viz in a tooltip - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau Essential Training

Display a viz in a tooltip

- [Instructor] When you hover your mouse pointer over a data point or region in a visualization, Tableau displays a tooltip that summarizes the data represented by the point. In this movie, I will show you how to edit those tooltips, specifically how to include a visualization of another sheet within the tooltip. My sample file is 09_06_VizInTooltip and you can find it in the chapter nine folder of the exercise files collection. I've started out on the Sales by Region worksheet and you can see that I have a tree map that displays sales by region. And if I hover my mouse pointer over an area, you'll see that I have the name of the region and also the order total. And of course, the name of the region appears as text, and the color and size of the tree map area indicates the relative value. So where does this tooltip come from? Well, if you look over on the Marks card there is a tooltip icon. I'll go ahead and click that.…
