From the course: Tableau Essential Training

Change the visual summary type - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau Essential Training

Change the visual summary type

- [Instructor] After you create a visualization you might decide to change its type. In this movie, I will show you how to do that. My sample file is 09_01_ChangeType and that's a workbook you can find in the chapter nine folder of the exercise files collection. This workbook contains a single worksheet and on it I have data broken down by sales region and product category. So you can see that I have Central East and then each of the individual product categories below that. And then I have a count of the orders to the right. This is a text table, but if I want I can change the visualization to another type. To do that, I'll go over to the top right corner of the program window and click Show Me. And here I have a list of all the different visualizations that I could possibly create. The ones that work for this dataset are in color instead of black and white. So you see here that I can create a highlight table. I could also create a pie chart or I could create a tree map. In this case, I'll switch a couple of times so you can see what it looks like. So I will click the tree map icon to change and I see that I have Supplements for South Central East as the top seller, then for North Central East and you can see the other elements as well. If I wanted to create stacked column charts or vertical bar charts, I could click the icon to the right of the horizontal bars. And there I have each of my sales regions broken down by product category. And you see that I have blue, orange, and red. In that order for each of the individual regions I could also switch back to a text table, in this case, it is horizontal. So if I move product category to the top and sales region to rows, then I have my data broken down differently than I had before. Changing your visualization type in Tableau is a straightforward process. If you don't find you're getting your message across using one type, you can always try another.
