From the course: Tableau Essential Training

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Change the order of fields in a visualization

Change the order of fields in a visualization - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau Essential Training

Change the order of fields in a visualization

- [Instructor] Programs that help you create graphs and charts apply built-in color schemes to them. In this movie, I will show you how to change the sequence of colors that Tableau applies to your own chart elements. My sample file is 10_03_Sequence, and you can find it in the chapter 10 folder of your exercise files collection. In this workbook, I have a vertical bar chart or column chart that shows sales for each of my nine regions. If I want to change the order of the fields as they appear, then I can go over to the sales region card, which is displayed over here to the right. And then let's say that I want to move North Central West, this small red bar here all the way to the right. So I'll go to sales region and I will drag North Central West down, and you can see the black line where the field will be dropped. So when it's at the bottom, I'll release the mouse pointer and I have North Central West all the way at the…
