From the course: Tableau Essential Training

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Add, duplicate, and rename worksheets

Add, duplicate, and rename worksheets - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau Essential Training

Add, duplicate, and rename worksheets

- [Instructor] Tableau Workbooks use worksheets to store your data, and each worksheet contains a visualization or other content. In this movie, I will show you how to add, duplicate, and rename worksheets. My sample file is 03_02_AddWorksheets, and you can find it in the Chapter03 folder of the Exercise Files collection. This workbook has a single worksheet, and in it, you see that I have a tree map breaking down Sales by Region. If I want to add another worksheet, then I can go down to the Sheet tabs here. So I have Sheet 1. That's the current worksheet. You see the preview when you hover over it, and then I can click the New Worksheet button. I could also press Ctrl + M on the keyboard, so I'll go ahead and click there, and I get a new worksheet. I'll go ahead and add a visualization so we have something to work with. I'll drag Order Total to the Data area, and then Order Date, I'll drag to the Columns area.…
