From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

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Two Trees Olive Oil case study

Two Trees Olive Oil case study

- In this course, we're going to use examples from a fictitious company called Two Trees Olive Oil. Two Trees is based in Santa Rosa, California. The company started as an olive orchard but in the past few years they've become popular for their high-quality olive oil. That's led to some serious growth for the business, and now it's time for them to make some changes that will transform their supply chain. As we talk about challenges the company is facing, you'll see how project management will play a critical role in helping them make these changes successfully. The supply chain for olive oil involves a series of steps. Here's a brief overview of the process. Olives are grown on trees and harvested by hand or by machine. The olives are taken to Two Trees processing facility where they're washed, crushed, and pressed to extract the oil. The oil is then filtered to remove any solids or impurities, and next, the olive oil is…
