From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

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Exercise: Managing a supply chain disruption

Exercise: Managing a supply chain disruption

From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

Exercise: Managing a supply chain disruption

- At this very moment, there are a thousand things happening around the world that have the potential to disrupt your supply chain. Do you know how to respond when something goes wrong? The truth is responding to a supply chain disruption is usually a project. So let's practice using the direct framework to map out a response to a supply chain disruption. Two trees Olive Oil just learned that there's a wildfire very near to their supplier for glass bottles. If that factory burns down then they won't have any bottles to put their oil into. What would you do? If you have access to the course exercise files? You can use the direct worksheet as a template. Otherwise, you can do this exercise on a blank sheet of paper. Look at each element of the direct framework and think about what questions you would need to ask and what tools you could use to ensure that each element is addressed. Define the objective, investigate the…
