From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

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Comparing waterfall and agile project management methods

Comparing waterfall and agile project management methods

From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

Comparing waterfall and agile project management methods

- There are different philosophies about the best way to manage projects, but when it comes to the supply chain, we need to have lots of tools in our toolbox. In this video, we'll look at two of the main project management methods, Waterfall and Agile, and I'll show you why you may need to use both of them. The Waterfall approach starts with a big picture view of what you're trying to achieve. Then you break that goal down into steps called deliverables, milestones, activities, and tasks. Once you have the tasks identified, you can decide what order they need to be done in, and whether any of them depend on one another. Going back to Two Trees Olive Oil, they need to harvest their olives, then wash them, and then run them through a press to extract the oil. They need to do all three of those tasks and they need to do them in that order. You can measure how long each of these steps takes and then add them together to…
