From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

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Analyzing supply chain processes using process frameworks

Analyzing supply chain processes using process frameworks

From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

Analyzing supply chain processes using process frameworks

- What is a supply chain anyway? The truth is that there are a lot of different definitions, but it often helps to think about a supply chain as a series of processes. You have a process to order raw materials, then you have manufacturing processes, sales processes, and delivery processes, and all of these processes are connected to one another, like the links in a chain. In order to analyze all of the processes in that chain, we need a framework. So in this video, we'll look at three of the most widely-used supply chain process frameworks. First is the Global Supply Chain Forum, GSCF, framework. It breaks the supply chain into eight processes: customer relationship management, supplier relationship management, customer service management, demand management, order fulfillment, manufacturing flow management, product development and commercialization, returns management. The GSCF framework emphasizes how important it is…
