From the course: Succeeding in DevOps

Your role as a DevOps engineer

From the course: Succeeding in DevOps

Your role as a DevOps engineer

- The DevOps engineer role is one of the highest paying and most in demand tech jobs in today's market. But wait a second, what exactly is a DevOps engineer? What makes the role different from a software engineer or an IT professional? Why exactly is this role in such high demand? DevOps engineers are in demand simply because organizations using DevOps practices are overwhelmingly high performing, delivering software more often than their competitors with fewer instances of failure. That said, different companies can have profoundly different understandings of how they want to implement DevOps, making the role of a DevOps engineer difficult to pin down. What's more, the role is in its infancy so the definition of what DevOps engineers do is still evolving. So what are you waiting for? I'm Laura Stone, I've been a part of the DevOps community since it's infancy and I'm excited to guide you through the steps needed to have a successful career in DevOps, let's get down to business.
