From the course: Succeeding in DevOps

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Achieving your DevOps goals

Achieving your DevOps goals

From the course: Succeeding in DevOps

Achieving your DevOps goals

- It's completely normal to want to progress in your career as a DevOps engineer. So let's take a moment to talk about setting and achieving goals. The first thing to keep in mind, when thinking about achieving your goals is knowing your own values. What are your dreams? What do you want to achieve? And why do you want to achieve these things? If you can answer these questions at a high level, your values can act as a compass to guide you towards your dreams. That said, you will need more than high level dreams to make progress as a DevOps engineer. It's important to break down dreams and life goals into smaller weekly, monthly and yearly achievements. For example, if your goal is to become a DevOps engineer, set an intention to spend at least an hour a week learning a new programming language, such as Python or Ruby or set a goal that by the end of next month you will build a small web application and deploy it on…
