From the course: Strategies for Creating Viral Short Form Content

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When one of your videos goes viral

When one of your videos goes viral

- So what do you do when one of your videos hits 10,000, 100,000, or 1,000,000 views? The answer, make follow-up content. If your content is getting views, that means you are doing something right and if a certain topic or content style brought about an effect that you liked, then you should repeat those actions, so you can keep getting the same effect. Not only that, but when these algorithms notice that viewers are satisfied with your content, they, oftentimes, will recommend more of your videos that are related to that, further increasing your views, your followers and, potentially, your leads. If you can, turn it into a series. Make your own branded hashtags or YouTube playlist, so that way, people can easily consume all of the series. Just don't let a video take off and then do nothing about it.
