From the course: Strategies for Creating Viral Short Form Content

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Short-form myths for hacking the algorithm

Short-form myths for hacking the algorithm

- I've heard plenty of stories of beginners who start posting content online, only for their videos to get little engagement and barely any views. Then they start to blame the algorithm for not promoting their videos and try to come up with different strategies for hacking the algorithm. They'll say things like, "You have to be consistent. You have to use the right hashtags and keywords. Make sure to post at the right time. Follow people and tell them to follow you back. You have to spend money on ads to get views." Here's the reality of it. Instead of using the word algorithm, use the word audience. It's not the algorithm that hates your video, it's people, and I know, that's hard to hear because we spend so much effort and time into making these videos, but there is good news. Everyone starts as a beginner making bad videos. But what you can do is with each new video, find one way to improve on your next video. Maybe…
