From the course: Strategies for Creating Viral Short Form Content

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Research ideas for your video

Research ideas for your video

- The first step in creating engaging short form video is choosing a topic and this step is crucial because the idea that you come up with will determine whether people stay watching your video or scroll past. So let's take a look at some strategies for coming up with video ideas. Number one, look at top performing short form videos in your niche. What topics do they cover? Number two, join online groups and communities on social media where your audience is. Learn their problems, common questions and goals. Number three, read the comment section of your own videos and competitors in your niche. What questions do they ask? Number four, think about what information your audience might be searching for online. Can you make a video covering that topic? I would recommend setting aside time to brainstorm ideas. I would also make sure to have the notes app on your phone handy or a piece of paper so you can write down all your…
