From the course: Strategies for Creating Viral Short Form Content

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Pay attention to trends

Pay attention to trends

- I've heard people say that short form talks in the language of trends and what that means is that when a trend comes along people take that trend and adapt it to their niche and make it relate to their audience. It's almost as if the idea was pre-created for you with the only thing left is just needing to fill in the blanks. Now, part of the process of paying attention to trends is consuming short form content. Believe it or not, there are people out there who will post short form content but then won't watch it themselves. Then by the time they hear about a trend, it's too late and it's no longer relevant. So make sure that you're actually involved in the medium that you're creating content in. Now, while trends can be a great way to grow with short form content, the content itself only lasts for so long because trends come and go. So I'd recommend posting both trend related videos and videos that are your own…
