From the course: Strategies for Creating Viral Short Form Content

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Learn from competitors

Learn from competitors

- One of the biggest hacks that you can use when it comes to short-form content is to watch the content your competitors are putting out. Simply scrolling through their feed, you can find their top-performing videos, and then you can study them and figure out what made them successful. Was it the topic they chose? Was it the intro? Or maybe it was just a fun format to watch. Whatever the case, you'll be able to learn from those successful videos and then apply those lessons to your own content. You can also read through their comments and see what viewers are saying. Maybe they're asking for something specific that wasn't covered in their video that you can talk about in your own video. Or you can learn about the feelings, the pain points, and goals of that audience that's related to yours, and that might inspire content ideas for you. I'd recommend each week watching what those successful competitors put out so you…
