From the course: Strategies for Creating Viral Short Form Content

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Create a strong hook

Create a strong hook

- Once you have an idea for your video, the next step is deciding what your opening intro or hook is going to be. The first few seconds of your video is the most important part of a short. I would even go as far as to say that the first word out of your mouth is important. Quick story, a while back, I was filming a short on phone security and had an intro that went like this. Your data could be stolen online unless you turn on this phone setting. Decent, but the first words out of my mouth were your data, which doesn't have a lot of interest to it and doesn't really pull viewers in to watch the rest of the video. So instead, I rephrased my opening lines to this. Hackers might be able to steal your information unless you turn on this phone setting. Now when they land on my video, the first word they hear is hackers, which conveys fear and interest and other things. So when creating your opening hook the goal is to get…
